ニイミ アヤコ   NIIMI, Ayako
  新美 綾子
看護学部 看護学科
発表年月日 2018/10
発表テーマ Trial of Disaster Simulation Game DO72 in Disaster Nursing Education for Potential Nurses in Japan
発表学会名 The 5th Research Conference of World Society Disaster Nursing
主催者 World Society Disaster Nursing
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 Bremen Germany
発表者・共同発表者 Ayako Niimi, Hiroki Murakawa, Daisuke Sato, Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Shuushi Takamura, Fumie Goto, and Keiko Kato
概要 Objective: It aims to create a simulation game named DO72 (disaster occurred 72 hours) that reproduces the situation occurring within the first 72 hours after the disaster, and to prepare the potential nurses for this situation.
Methods: This game was held for the 5th time among all 6 learning programs. We created 36 cards that describe events and incidents occurring every two hours during the first 72 hours after the disaster occurred. Including 10 discussion cards that potential nurses must respond to in an evacuation center, such as "labor pain signs in a pregnant woman" and "coughing people", etc. Groups consisted of 5-6 participants. In the center of each group's table, the cards were stacked face-down in order of the time elapsed after the disaster occurred. Participants converted 72 hours to 72 minutes and turned over the cards every 2 minutes, and talked about what was written on the card. When a discussion card was played, they wrote the results of the discussion on the discussion sheet. We evaluated this game by analyzing the discussion sheets and the free description question paper after the game.
Results: 24 potential nurses participated in the game. The learning of this program was reflected in 8 out of 10 discussion sheets. In the other 2, there were insufficient that response to the consciousness disturbance of the diabetic patients and the prediction of the onset of the economic syndrome. From the analysis of the free description, three categories were extracted as part of the learning process in this game, such as "Utilization of knowledge in the game", "Involve learned knowledge in three dimensional space of disaster, including time axis" and "Change in consciousness autonomous for disaster".
Conclusion: It was suggested that DO72 could be a simulated experience utilizing learned knowledge at the disaster site, to develop autonomous awareness on disaster prevention and reduction, and to be used as a tool to evaluate teaching activities.